
2024-05-18 10:50:38 喜剧片

stop的过去式是stopped。stop意为停止,不再进行某个行动或活动。例如:I stopped for a coffee on my way to work.(在去上班的路上我停下来喝了杯咖啡。)He stopped talking when he saw me coming.(看到我来了,他停止了讲话。)The traffic lights turned red and we stopped at the intersection.(交通灯变红,我们在十字路口停下来了。)I stopped watching TV and went to bed early.(我停止看电视,早早睡觉了。)停止也可以指某物停在某个位置或位置上。例如:The clock stopped at midnight.(时钟停在了午夜。)The train stopped at the platform.(火车停在了站台上。)The player stopped the ball with his foot.(运动员用脚停住了球。)
