
2024-05-18 21:07:02 耽美

iGoogle was a personalized homepage service provided by Google. It allowed users to customize their homepage with various widgets and gadgets to display information such as weather, news, email, and more. iGoogle was launched in 2005 and gained popularity as a convenient way for users to access their favorite websites and services in one place.
Users could choose from a variety of themes and layouts to customize their iGoogle homepage to suit their preferences. They could also add or remove widgets to display the information they wanted to see. iGoogle was compatible with various browsers and devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
Unfortunately, Google announced in 2012 that iGoogle would be discontinued in November 2013. The decision was made as part of Google's efforts to streamline its product offerings and focus on core products. Many users were disappointed by the news, as iGoogle had become a popular tool for organizing their online activities.
Despite its discontinuation, iGoogle remains a fond memory for many users who appreciated its convenience and customization options. It served as a precursor to the personalized homepage features that are now integrated into various web browsers and services. While iGoogle may no longer be available, its impact on the way users interact with the web lives on.
