
2024-05-19 08:23:58 悬疑

High maintenance is a term used to describe someone who requires a lot of attention, effort, and resources to satisfy their needs and wants. It often refers to individuals who have specific preferences and expectations in terms of personal grooming, appearance, and lifestyle choices.
High-maintenance individuals tend to demand constant validation and reassurance, often seeking approval and admiration from others. They often have a meticulous sense of style and fashion, and may spend a significant amount of time and money on their appearances, such as getting frequent beauty treatments, designer clothes, and accessories.
In addition to their physical appearance, high-maintenance individuals may also prioritize certain activities and experiences that cater to their interests and desires. They may only eat at expensive restaurants, stay at luxury hotels, and engage in high-end recreational activities. These individuals often have specific dietary requirements, such as preferring organic or gluten-free options, which can make it more difficult to accommodate their needs.
Being in a relationship or friendship with a high-maintenance person can be challenging, as they may require constant attention and reassurance. They may have high expectations for their partners or friends to cater to their needs and wants, which can be emotionally and financially draining. Their constant need for validation and attention may also put pressure on the relationship.
Dealing with a high-maintenance individual often requires set boundaries, effective communication, and compromise. It is important to have open and honest conversations about expectations and limitations, as well as finding a balance between meeting their needs and maintaining one's own well-being.
Overall, high-maintenance individuals can add complexity and challenges to personal relationships and interactions. However, understanding and managing their needs can help foster a healthy and mutually beneficial connection.
