
2024-05-05 17:04:23 日本剧

"leave" 可以作为动词或名词使用,具有多种意思和用法。以下是一些“leave”作为动词的用法:
1. 离开某地:She had to leave early for the airport. 2. 遗弃,留下:Don't leave your belongings unattended. 3. 离开(工作岗位):He decided to leave his job and travel the world. 4. 使留下,留给:He left his watch on the table. 5. 依赖于,取决于:The success of the project will leave on your shoulders.
"leave" 也可用作名词,表示允许离开或缺席的许可:
1. 离开,休假:He was granted two weeks of leave from work. 2. 允许的时间,缺席:She asked for a leave of absence from school. 3. 遗产,财产:He left all his money to charity in his will. 4. 残余部分,剩余物:There's just a little leave of cake left.
此外,短语“leave it at that” 表示终结某事,不再继续讨论或处理。
总的来说,“leave” 是一个常用的英语动词,有着多种用法和含义,是值得学习和掌握的单词之一。
