Infini-T Force剧场版

2024-05-03 07:03:35 科幻片

Infini-T Force剧场版部是日本漫画《Infini-T Force》的动画电影系列。该系列由东映动画制作,于2018年开始上映。剧场版部是在电视动画系列的基础上制作的,为故事增加了更多的深度和情节发展。剧场版部包括多部作品,如《Infini-T Force: The Movie - Farewell Gatchaman My Friend》和《Infini-T Force: The Movie - Gatchaman - The Awakening》等。这些作品将故事延展并展示了更加精彩的战斗和冒险。Fans of the original series are excited to see their favorite characters in action on the big screen, and the movies have been well-received by both fans and critics alike.
